Monday, April 13, 2009


Bracken at One Year Old

The puppy I showed off last year is now one year old. It's been a lot of hard work because he's a very exitable dog with a real yearning for the outdoors but it has been worth it, and now the Winter is passed and I can quickly forget walking him on those bitterly cold mornings when I was full of flu and he was delighted to be covered in ice and tracking long gone rabbitts.

I pick him up from the kenells tomorrow night after a break up in Scotland and I am really missing him. He's my first dog and we've both been through a lot together. Many more advernture to come, no doubt.

He still loves horses even though he's been stood on and kicked by them, so we obviously have the same problem with memory :o)


Anonymous said...

he looks great tommo i had to have mine put to sleep as he turned really savage on us2.but i miss him like crazy still.

Anonymous said...

sorry message above off jay

Tommo said...

Hi Jay, really sorry to hear about that. I've had an easy time with mine and as a first time owner I don't know how I'd fare with a dog who went that way. Was yours a Lab too, because labs and retrievers seem to be well balanced from what I've seen?

Anonymous said...

no mine was a staffy with a little bull in him i really miss him but love to see ur dog some day maybe have a walk together

Anonymous said...

i have a staffy called tia from ryan

Tommo said...

Nice one Ryan. One of Bracken's three girlfriends is a Staffy. I know she's around when he diappears and won't recall :o)