Sunday, November 22, 2009

We Love Darts Magazine

New to the Barbados touring party this year were Amanda and Steve representing the We Love Darts magazine. Amanda is an Assistant on the mag, and she did a great job of publicising it to everyone at the various festival events. Loads of dart flights and complimentary copies of the magazine were given out, and it's a wonder either of them had room for clothes in their suitcases!

She gave me a couple of back issues and I had a good read through them. The editorial style is light hearted and entertaining, and there is plenty of interesting content with comparatively few adverts.

The business side of launching a new mag was a real eye opener to me. I didn't know that Supermarkets charge such high fees for shelf space, and you need a lot of capital to stand any chance. All the best to them, because it is a decent read.


Unknown said...

hello there ...
Glad you are enjoying the magazine Barbados seems like a LONG time ago .
Thanks for the write up.

Tommo said...

Hi Amanda, great to hear from you! Yeah, it certainly is back to the grindstone alright! Very good luck with the mag and everything to you and Steve.