Thursday, July 14, 2005

The purpose of this Blog

Quite simply to track my progress in the 2005/6 (and beyond?) Derwentside Darts & Dominoes League. I don’t play dominoes and just concentrate on the darts. My team (The Chelmsford {AKA "The Knack"} in Ebchester, Co. Durham, UK) are a mid table team in the league, and to be honest the dominoes have tended to boost our ranking in the past.

My first season was 2004/5, and I won 52% of my singles games and scored a single 180 during match play. Plenty of room for improvement then, and it’ll hopefully appear here.

Each match night we play a team game where all 8 team players compete against the other 8 in a game of 1001, a doubles game where randomly selected team pairs play against the opposing pairs in a game of 701, and a singles game where we compete against randomly selected opponents in a game of 501. I don’t know what they do with the dominoes, but usually our team members emerge from an adjacent room punching the air, so I presume we’re good at it :o)
At the time of writing we are in-between seasons, and I’m practising hard in readiness.

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